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Zoltan je vlasnik madjarskog sbs ranije je bio kovlasnik celog sbs al odkad se posvadjo sa englezom odvojili se


Mislim da nije tako al dobro, Zolika je bio test ribolovac Engleskog Sbs-a, kasnije distributer a sad je otkupio licencu na podmukli nacin i sam proizvodi sbs stvarcice posto Engleski sbs nije zastitio kroz toliko godina tradicije svoje proizvode, on se dosetio da zastiti ime na njega i tako je sad on navodno vlasnik al samo madjarskog, nije i engleskog, sad se englezi drze za glavu :)

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Zoltan je vlasnik madjarskog sbs ranije je bio kovlasnik celog sbs al odkad se posvadjo sa englezom odvojili se

ZOLATAN KOVAC JE VEC 1 god Vlasnik sbs a Des Tejlos je pre mesec dana postao promoter i izvestac sa voda za Zoltanovu firmi SBS TActical Baits. a da odgovorim neupucenima za uvoz hrane za ribu u Srbiju.Ove godine smo jedina fiorma koja je dobila dokumenta za uvoz hrane z sportski ribolov.Ta dozvola traje 90 dana a na nju se ceka od 3 nedelje do 2 meseca,kako im se prohjte.Da biste dobili uzorkovaqnje mamaca i aromaa, treba dea predate veterinarskom sektoru svaki uzora od hrane i arome i platite po 8900 din za svaki vrstu arome i miksa.Problem je uvek kod drzave i administracije za neupucene.Nama roba stoji vec 45 dana jer niko od tehnologa nije dolazio u susret sa SOLUBLE miksom i tecnoscu )GOLD TREASSURE= valjda misle da je zlato u pitanju.Bez tih dokumenata se ne moze uvesti roba, a kamoli izvesti iz magacina.Issto da napomenem za FOX.Nije nista do firme CARPWORLD, FOX JE STIGAO 20.MAJA U bEOGRAD I ZBOG 28 Lampi ZA GLAVU, KOJE PO NOVOM ZAKONU od februara ove godine,podležu ATESTU, NARAVNO NE U BEOGRADU, VEC U NIŠU, KOŠTA 10.000 din, jer mogu po njihvom misljenju da budu opasne po ljudsko zdravlje,radioaktivne,ili Šta već, nije dovoljan atest Evropske Unije d anije opasno po ljude,sVE SU TO URADILI DA BI UZELI NOVAC ZA GLUPOSSTI, jer u Beogradu ne postoje strucnjaci koji mogu testirati jednu obicnu lampu Za pecanje, mora u NiŠ da se ide.Nadamo se da ce do kraja sledece nedelje fox napokon stici u firmu a isto tako i sbs.Ko je uvozio ove stvari,upoznat je koliko je komplikovano uvesti hranu,pogotovu boile i mikseve.Razumem ljutnju ali nadam se da ce ljudi imati razumevanje.

A Što se tiče Des Tejlora, evo kako on reklamira SBS i nikakve veze viŠe nema sa vlasniŠtvom ove firme u Engleskoj,Evropi i u svetu,niti možete viŠe igde kupiti njegove proizvode u svetu, možda po neki proizvod od ranije Što je kupljen po nekim prodavnicama. Inače njegova firma je bila jedan kontejner, poŠto sam lično bio tamo, veličine 10m sa 6m, i to je sve.Njegova firma SBS Baits ne postoji viŠe, samo Zoltanova SBS Tactical Baits,



I have wanted to catch a 60lb+ carp now for a number of years, as an all-rounder this is a very ambitious target but most years I head into Europe to try and satisfy that goal. My path for such a creature has taken me to Cassien in 1987 where I caught my first 40lb carp, then to Lac Salagou, Fishabil, Canada and even the mighty Rudutu in Romania where 80lb carp have been caught. Sadly although I caught carp from all these venues I never seemed to get amongst the “monsters.” Then Rob Hales introduced me to the Rainbow Lake which surely has to be the best carp venue for large carp ever in the history of the sport. In five previous trips I had taken mirrors to 52lbs, on any other venue a big fish but for Rainbow quite an average catch! My last trip there had been very slow and had beaten me up badly so I gave the venue a miss for three years. But this year I was ready once more to do battle with the mighty Rainbow Lake. For weeks I planned the trip, talking to Rob Hales and his friends who fish the water at least three times a year. My tackle, rigs, bait and my mind set was ready for the week long session. I was booked in peg one with Rob next down fishing peg two. On arrival we were met with heavy rain and I mean heavy rain in fact we debated for a while whether to set up next day it was so bad. But I wanted to get fishing badly and persuaded Rob it was a good idea for us both to get out there. It rained constantly for sixteen hours and soaked through sitting in my bivvie I was wondering if ever I would land the carp of my dreams with such a dreadful start. At rainbow it’s a waiting game and our plan was to set our traps and wait till the rods went. Rob is confident to leave his rods out for the full seven days confident that even on the last day it will go! That kind of fishing is very hard for me to do but if that’s what it takes to land a monster carp that’s what I would do. On two rods I put a Phaze 1 SBS Pop Up boilie after all my companion Rob Hales had taken a 90-04 on a SBS Pop Up a few years before, one rod on a tiger-nut tipped with a piece of plastic corn and the fourth rod a new bait for me a Brazil nut. I was fishing all four rods over a mixture of hemp, corn, SBS Flumino Groundbait and all mixed together with a Flumino Groundbait Mixer. I have great faith in the Flumino Range as an attractor for carp and find that it gets carp to keep visiting the area even when most of the bait has been eaten, I am a great believer a carp will sometimes visit the area many times before picking up your bait but you have to get the carp to keep coming to the swim to get your chance?

Traps set, it was in the bivvie for a towelling down and a change of clothes and a long wait or at least that’s what I thought. But next morning the Brazil nut was away admittedly only with a 25lb common but it was a start. Now lets get it straight I still think a 25lb common is a big fish but lets get it into perspective carp at Rainbow are born at 25lbs!” But it gave me confidence for the rest of the week. The next two days were slow with not a fish for Rob or myself but we did see fish in the swim and you could have put a saddle on and rode them like a horse! Tuesday morning saw a change in the weather and with it came fish, I took a 48-08 common on the tiger-nut the best looking carp I have ever seen or caught in my life it truly was perfect as the photograph shows. Rob came in with a 52lb and 44lb mirror both tremendous fish. I remember Rob saying to me “these are all bonus fish for Thursday, Friday and Saturday is when we will catch a monster, and they will come to the boilie.” I backed his statement up by sitting on my hands and leaving the baits out. Thursday is known by all the anglers that fish the lake as “big fish Thursday” and now I see why! At 10.00am my new Drennan Tectrix 3¼ TC rod on the Phaze pop up placed on a bar near the duck hide bent over with the take. I had the bait-runner locked up to save the fish reaching the snags and I had to run into the water to stop the fish pulling the rod out my hand. I knew straight away I was into something very special, the fish ran straight towards me and it was only when it was 20 yards out did I see the pattern of the leader in the water from the fishes “head shake” and the massive vortex from the tail pattern which confirmed this was a monster. Slowly but surely I reeled that fish towards the net and from a few feet down in the water Rob and myself both got our first glimpse of the fish. “It’s a true monster of a fish Desmond.” When Rob calls me Desmond I know it serious! After 15 minutes the fish completely gave up and floated to the surface and then we saw the true size of the beast. Rob netted the fish I grabbed him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. I could not believe the size of this creature! To be honest the next few minutes were a blur for whilst Rob got everything ready and I mean everything I stood there a blithering wreck saying things like “I cannot believe I’ve got one this big” or “my god its one of those horses we saw in the swim.” Rob said “I’m sorry to disappoint you Des but this isn’t one of the 60s it’s nearer to 80lbs.” “You have to be joking” was my answer. We lifted the fish on the weigh tripod and it read 75-14 “say it again Rob.” “Yes confirmed 75-14 you jammy git” I sat in my chair with my head in my hands and I was completely shot. As you can see by the photo I’m a very happy bunny!

If that had been my very last carp abroad I still would have been very happy but typical in angling when it comes right it comes right and sure enough next night the last night of the trip I had a take again on the same rod and on the Phaze Pop Up again which again felt like a monster and it was. I remember saying to Rob “just imagine if this is a big common to go with my monster mirror.” The fish fought deep and slow and felt like a big fish and once more when it was beat it completely gave up and floated to the surface. My dreams had come true it was a big common and at 62-02 I was now the happiest man in the world!

I had waited 27 years to finally achieve my gaol. But finally I had my pay back and in a few days on my beloved Phaze I had caught the best looking carp of my life, my personal best common and a true monster that I will never beat in two lifetimes. I couldn’t wait to get down the pub back in England next to the bar telling my mates about the fish and the experiences, can you imagine how big my head was! One last thing before I end I would like to say a couple of big thank you’ the first to SBS for supplying me with top class bait and to Rob Hales for all the fun along the way.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ! I ja sam bio u zbunu , veruj mi ! Nista mi nije bilo jasno ! Mada ... Ti verovatno mislis na na ove kese sa cenom od 950 din . Ja sam ih pitao za Catcher Ready-Made Base Mix . Za to sam video klip na njihovom sajtu . Za ovo o cemu ti pricas nisam tada ni znao ....Ma nema veze . Jedino ako me covek nije razumeo . Tebi hvala u svakom slucaju .


Catcher Ready-made Base Mix

Miks za brzo pravljenje Boila.Miks sadržiArome,Apetit stimulator,zasladjivač,potreban procenat Atraktora i ribljeg ulja.Veoma su isplative, brzo se prave boile i bez dodavanja jaja. Uz pomoć plastičnog dozera,možete tačno dodati potrebnu količinu vode i ako vam je potrebno možete od njega napraviti i pastu.Od 1kg miksa, možete napraviti oko 1,3kg Gotovih boila.Kad budete napravili Boile, razumećete zašto kažemo da je ovaj proizvod veoma isplativ ako se uzme u obzir cena 1kg Miksa. Ako želite da napravite dobru, dokazanu Boilu na vodi, onda ovaj proizvod obavezno treba da probate.Nećete sigurno biti razočarani.


Quest Ready-made Base Mix

Јеdan od velikih novih proizvoda od SBS-a koji je pokreneut u 2010.godini,proizvod od najboljih SBS ovih materija za vrhunske boile. Komponente su upakovane u plastičnu providnu foliju, i precizno izmeren, da biste primenili pravi recept propisan na odredjenu težinu miksa. Моžete da napravite vrhunske SBS boile od pažljivo odabranog miksa, samo treba da dodate jaja u miks. Оvaj proizvod je lansiran sa neskrivenom namerom, da bi ribolovci čuli za nas i za naše proizvode, koji imaju izuzetnu lovnost na vodama, ali bez preteranog trošenja na razne aditive. Svih 9 Premijum aroma su dostupne, koje naši recepti zahtevaju za pravljenje vrhunskih boila.Ovo je fantastičan proizvod,treba ga probati jer sadrži sve potrebne hranljive materije i tečnosti za ribu, ali u prahu.Naravno, osim jaja.

Edited by JaneMk
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sto ne vidis sa ovima u Snajperu,oni uvoze led lenser lampe koje su za bilo koje druge naucna fantastika ili sa ovima sto uvoze petzl,mozda ti otkriju tajnu kako oni nemaju problema...

Kako si bio u UK kontejneru kad se plasis aviona? :p

hahahahaha 2 puta avionom i 3 puta autom, jednom od Konstance na crnom morru u Rumuniji pa odatle pravo do Londona sa Spacekom,11 dana putovanja.A stvarno sbs je bio u pravom kontejneru,sto sad daju ovima iz karton sitija, ceka se red da ti napravi ono sto si narucio, radi samo on i zena i jedan momak sto pakuje u kutije,i stvarno je na jednoj livadi,a sto se tice lampi isto i oni imaju problem oko potvrde usaglesnja, tako se zove taj papir,ATEST, to vazi od 9 februara ove godine, do tada nije bilo problema, sad su stavili pod tarifnim brojem,Tarifni broj za lampe je 8513.10 00 00 00, pa moje lampe su isto svrstali kao i od snajpera ili bilo kojih drugih proffi lampi,ali zavrsice se i to ovih dana.A oko uvoza hrane,potvrda da hrana za ribu nije stetna za ljude se dobija na N. Beogradu, kod cerke ili zene onog Labusa,politicara, ceka se do mesec dana ako su dobro raspolozeni,,a fito pregled kod veterinara na granici i na carini zavisi kako su raspolozeni i koliko ces platiti, ali ti uzimaju od svake arome i svake vrste miksa po 1 uzorak i naplacuju oko 8900.din. po komadu, aromi,ili vrsti miksa,a sto je najgore, smanjili su sa 6 na 3 meseca vaznost te dozvole, i dok to sve zavrsis,dozvola istekne, zato ove godine retko ko uvozi mikseve i arome, jer se ne isplate male kolicine,samo na veliko,preskupe dazbine.Najveci problem je SOLUBLE, jer na engleskom pishe GOLD TREASSURE, ko zna sta im je u glavi sta je u flashama.

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Mislim da nije tako al dobro, Zolika je bio test ribolovac Engleskog Sbs-a, kasnije distributer a sad je otkupio licencu na podmukli nacin i sam proizvodi sbs stvarcice posto Engleski sbs nije zastitio kroz toliko godina tradicije svoje proizvode, on se dosetio da zastiti ime na njega i tako je sad on navodno vlasnik al samo madjarskog, nije i engleskog, sad se englezi drze za glavu :)

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Kupis kod Brace i nerazmisljas sta trebas dodati ,peca u fulu


Aman Prdo ti stalno pises kupis kod Brace itd..... jel i ti stalno kupujes tamo? Ja kupujem stalno al zato samo komponente boile pravim sam, ovde je tema napraviti nesto dobro ne kupiti :)

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Aman Prdo ti stalno pises kupis kod Brace itd..... jel i ti stalno kupujes tamo? Ja kupujem stalno al zato samo komponente boile pravim sam, ovde je tema napraviti nesto dobro ne kupiti :)


E to je vec nocna mora za prdu :crazy: :crazy:

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To je trebala biti sala :give_rose:


A sto se tice drazi kad zbuckas nesto svoje,ja nespadam u tu grupu, po meni je najjeftinija ona boila koja peca i koju ja neznam da napravim.

Muckao i pravio svasta i u 99,9 posto slucajeva se pokazalo najbolje ono sto pise kao preporuka kako napraviti boilu na samom pakovanju.

Tako i sa M1,ako se neko igrao sa tim ja sam , posto neznam da otpecam sa pet kila boila takmicenje pa sam pravio po dvadesetak trideset kila ,


Tako da ako je neko uspeo da nesto napravi tj. modifikuje tesko da ce reci.

Moje misljenje je da ce to zadrzati za sebe a nas jadnike koji znamo praviti samo osnovne uputiit na pogresan put i napraviti nepredvidjene troskove.

Zato cika Prda kupi malo proverenih boila za udicu i uz srecu koju imam na pecanju prodjem dobro.

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Nikada ne bi rekao neshto pogreshno u nameri da zajebem,to je glupo,zato sam i rekao da da se baci u razmishljanje jer i ja nisam o tome nishta znao,ali sam slushao i chitao,pa pokushavao...


100% si u pravu, ali ako hoces da pomognes iznesi svoja misljenja stim ces pomoci i sebi i drugima

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